
How Anti-Theft Tags work

  We have all seen these small tags on items in stores that have high cost and are easy to conceal and walk out of the store with. Since these items are left on the items sold the cost must be small and they need to be simple to de-activate by the cashier when the item have been purchased. The technology turns out be be very clever and extremely low

Reflow Part Melting

  You need to be careful when reflowing parts on your circuit boards. Different plastics can lead to a bad day for you parts. If a part was just meant to be wave soldered the actual part may not be capable of the extreme heat and duration of the reflow process. Dave found this out the hard way when he was attempting to reflow a board from a TV that

How a CPU Works

  Here is a great video that explains how a conventional CPU operates. Now of course when we are dealing with a microcontroller most of this is on the single chip. This Visual Transistor-level Simulation is interesting to see what is going on.

Cheap PCB Isolation Milling

  If you like making your own printed circuit boards and have a CNC machine wouldn’t it be nice to do some Cheap PCB Isolation Milling? Well how is free, that’s right ähöüokul has put together an Instructable that goes through the process using only free software.  Below will show you all the things you need. “Things you need: computer with internet connection cnc mill/router, the more accurate the better 45°/20° V-Bit 0.8mm

How Vacuum Tubes Work and How they are Made

  With the reliability of modern electronics vacuum tube making is a dying art. Here are some great videos demonstrating the laborious steps that go into creating them. “Vacuum tubes mostly rely on thermionic emission of electrons from a hot filament or a cathode heated by the filament. This type is called a thermionic tube or thermionic valve. A phototube, however, achieves electron emission through the photoelectric effect. Not all

Fast Charging Batteries that last 20 Years?

    Apple is famous for making nice looking products that are practically sealed for life even though many of us consider the internal battery a serviceable part. Having to access batteries for occasional replacement might be a thing of the past. Also planning to charge items is currently something that revolves around many things, you probably plan to charge your phone while you sleep, your electric car gets topped

Making of an Arduino

  This video by designboom gives us a glimpse into the making of an Arduino PCB. Arduino boards are still produced in Italy! You can see an interesting picture (last one at the bottom) which shows an arduino in a programming and test fixture. I am quite surprised to see that they are programmed individually, I would have though there might have been either a large program and test system