Funny Hacks

Microwaved Computer Torture

  Got a computer that locked up and lost all of your precious data? We have all seen this guy who is not having a great time with his computer. Next time this happens to you why give your computer the easy way out? Why not try a bit of torture! That is exactly what Photonicinduction shows us when he performs some Microwaved Computer Torture! While this might look like

Halloween Zipper Effect

    One of the scariest effects for Halloween is the zipper effect, these effects are a bit creepy so you might want to skip them if this is something that freaks you out. This effect is where you can see a zipper partially unzipped so that when the makeup is completed it looks like your skin is being zipped open! You can see some picture examples and a few

Heavy Lifting Copters

  Hobby King had a great plan to get people building big lifting copters. They call it the Beer Lift but water is used as a substitute although I am sure an equal weight of beer is weighting behind the scenes for enjoying after the competition. The last video isn’t a heavy lift but make sure you watch what happens at 2:20, that is some good flying!      

Android Powered Camera - Smart Cube

  This is really funny. How convenient would it be if you could have a camera that was powered by Android? Thanks to Michael for sending it in, he spotted it on Droid Life. “Features Always connected (3G/4G & Wifi) Android 4.2 Jelly Beanâ„¢ Advanced photo editing software Social Media apps Easy access to Dropbox and Flickr”  

Money Shredding Alarm Clock Project

  If you have trouble getting out of bed a bed shaker alarm might be a bit extreme, you might be just fine if there is a bit of money on the line if you sleep in. This Money Shredding Alarm Clock Project might be just what you need to give you some inspiration. With this clock you are given the beep warning to get up and switch off the

Rave Shades - LED Glasses

  These Rave Shade – LED Glasses look like a ton of fun. They are Arduino based and use 74HC595 shift registers to light all the LEDs. At first I though it was a silly design since with a PCB sitting on your face you would not be able to see anything. But later I saw the small circles that are cut into the board which allows you to presumable see

Smack Attack: Steering Wheel Drum Kit

     Gregor “G-Man” Hanuschak sent in a tip about a fun looking project called the Smack Attack, which is a Steering Wheel Drum Kit (might be a product soon). You can now play along with the tunes in your car! The Kickstarter will go live very soon and has a goal of $200,000. With a product price of $150 and a early bird Kickstarter price of $99 I am