Game Hacks

Sega Cartridges Resurrected using some old Computer Chips

  Dragao has a Sonic Cartridge that had some invalid instructions that would cause the game to crash at a certain point. The solution wasn’t to find a replacement game at the local flea market, he Resurrected the Sega Cartridges using some old Computer Chips. The game was originally loaded on 16 bit memory chips, not having any of these handy from the donor computer motherboards he piggy backed 2 

Classic NES played using a Kinect

    Tired of using a pesky remote control to play your video games? Paul DeCarlo used a Kinect sensor and some other bits and pieces to allow you to interface with some old video games! “Ingredients: An NES console with game to test An NES controller OR some wiring skills and a CD4021BE 8-bit shift register 12 strands of wire, recommend Kynar 8 1k resistors (technically any value from 1k

Double Useless Machine

    So we have all seen a useless machine before and what could be more fun that one of those? How about a Double Useless Machine, this is the machine for us who might be a bit too lazy to interact with the machine. With this design you simply need to take the switch off the center mode and watch the machine in action.    

Bitcoin-Operated Pool Table

  Stuart Kerr sent in some details about their Bitcoin-Operated Pool Table. With Bitcoin getting more traction as time goes on I think we will start to see more systems like this game that will accept bitcoin as an option. “Basically we’ve made a pool table where payment can be made by Bitcoin instead of (well actually as well as) cash! It works pretty well, with a Raspberry Pi controlling

BeagleBone GamingCape

    Max Thrun shared his latest project with us called the BeagleBone GamingCape. Wow, what an undertaking. The video below takes you through a time lapse view of the design of the custom PCB and the custom enclosure. The enclosure was tested by doing a print on a 3D printer before it was cut on a laser machine. The case design is an interesting layered design that is constructed

Sony Smartwatch Game

   How long before all the watches we have on our wrists are smart? Not sure but Sony is on the right track with their Smart Watch! It has an Android OS and is open to allow people to develop application for the watch. Check out this Smartwatch game, there are also some instruction on how you can start developing for the watch.

Hand Tracking Pong

    For this Cornell ECE 5760 Hand Tracking Pong project Hanting Lu and Kedari Elety have connected a camera to an FPGA, the image is down sampled so that it is only looking at a 40 X 30 image to determine how the players are moving. “The NTSC video signal from the camera is stored in the SDRAM at the rate of the TV Decoder Line clock (TD_CLK). Data