You probably remember the Shock Clock from a while ago. Well this Zedomax RGB LED Alarm Clock is the oposite of that concept, I think it would be soothing to wake up to this clock…
“Okay, we have seen some really cool Light Orbs while trying to make this Music Syncing Light Orb Alarm Clock. We started with Tod’s creation and soon realize that 1 LED will not be bright enough in slightest light conditions though his Light Orb is tight let us say. So we checked out RGB lights at Hackedgadgets.com. Which is cool and uses 4 Red, 3 Green, and 3 Blue LEDs. After we made the actual prototype and put the Orb on top, The 4 LEDs in series worked great even in lots of light. So best thing I think here is to test your LEDs on a breadboard first before soldering them. Even if the rated voltage of the LED says it’d work, we found that sometimes logic does not always work. Burn test your LEDs at least for 20 minutes and make sure they are still working before soldering anything…”
I can sum up this entire video in one word.
Good idea, but been done before. If it were sync’d to external music–then we’d have something.
Who has done this before?