Human Hacks

Ruler Tattoo

  Having a ruler on hand is a handy thing. I can’t think of the number of times I was in the home store and wish I had a tape measure on me. I do know that from the tip of my index finger to my knuckle is about 4 inches but it is hard to measure anything with any type of accuracy. This is where having something permaent with

Human Tetris Video Game

If you like video games and DIY electronics have a look at this cool version of Tetris that Adam Papamarcos and Kerran Flanagan made. It’s called Human Tetris since you need to use your body to simulate the puzzle shapes to play the game. This is another great project from the Cornell ECE 4760 Course. Unlike most of the 4760 projects this team went to the extra trouble of having

Permanent Eyeglasses Tattoo

I have seen some other face tattoos before, some simple and others were quite elaborate. But this one is quite funny since this Permanent Eyeglasses Tattoo doesn’t look like a tattoo. People getting a tattoo on lower back is more common than getting one done in or anywhere near the facial area. Via: SandU

Halloween Scar Effects and Real Scar Tattoos

  Wow if I run into someone this Halloween with effect makeup that looks as realistic as the video above it will certainly send shivers up my spine. It demonstrates that you can really step it up from the production rubber mask that most people pick up at the corner drugstore. Have a look at the tutorials listed for more Halloween scar techniques. How to make a fake wound Create

Human Camcorder

  Who says our youth are out of shape because of all the video game playing they do? These guys were probably influenced by a video game but have probably taken it a bit farther than is healthy. With a camcorder strapped to his head the guy does some Spider-Man like moves. I don’t see any camera trickery but who knows…  

Strain Sensors in Textiles allow for Human Movement Monitoring

  If you get a sore back from bad posture habits or repetitive stress situations from work this Strain Sensors technology could help you in the near future. The sensors remind me of the glove keyboard sensors we have seen before. If this technology advances as fast as everything else is we will soon have these microscopic sensors woven directly into the fabric of a shirt and the outputs will

Slow Down Time with Stress

  Eliot Phillips from Hack a Day posted an interesting article about some tests that were done to determine if time slows down during high adrenalin situations. It looks like it does! A person was dropped from a tower and attempted to read a flashing display during the fall. Prior to falling the test subject could not read the display but was able to read the first digit perfectly during