If you get a sore back from bad posture habits or repetitive stress situations from work this Strain Sensors technology could help you in the near future. The sensors remind me of the glove keyboard sensors we have seen before. If this technology advances as fast as everything else is we will soon have these microscopic sensors woven directly into the fabric of a shirt and the outputs will be fed directly into a Wiimote for advanced game controls. 🙂
"The sensors used for this paper are completely integrable into clothing and hence permit a measurement which is comfortable for the user and independent of location. Up to now, postures could be recognized with strain sensors. These promising results were a motivation to test methods which recognize the movement of the upper part of the body. "
This is good to see, I’m interested in learning how others have approached this body position sensing problem.
There’s also an Instructables user who has developed a method of using conductive thread, conductive stretchy fabric, and neoprene for a similar effect, all very accessible material for other DIY’ers.
As an aspiring student of an Advanced Occupational Therapy program I am curious to see how technology like this can be used in the future of our field. The advancements in these gadgets in recent times are truely remarkable!