Insane Equipment

Wiimote Autofocus Laser Cutter Hack

  If you have a laser cutter focusing the laser on your work can be tedious if your system doesn’t have a way to adjust the distance from your work to the laser automatically. Now as much of a pain this is for a flat item it is impossible to generally do with an item that varies in height. Martin Raynsford has solved this issue by bolting a Wiimote to

Omni Hoverboard

If you are looking for the latest in personal mobility have a look at the Omni Hoverboard. At first I was thinking this video was faked, but in fact this board is real and has recently won a Guinness World Record. Looks very tricky to fly around and as we can see the trials are being done over water for safety. I would have thought plunging into water would not be

Eyedrivomatic - Drive Wheelchair using Eye Tracking Technology

  The Eyedrivomatic is a system that lets you Drive a Wheelchair using Eye Tracking Technology.  “Eyedrivomatic’s software is in two parts, firmware for the arduino in the brain box, and a pc application which I have written in processing. Many eyegaze users will have software on their computer for communication and computer control. Our intention is that the pc software will be accessible through the users own computer control

DIY Motorized Combo Lock Cracking Device

  Have a master lock that you forgot the combination to? Samy Kamkar shows us how to get in with a nice little motorized combo lock cracking device “Combo Breaker is a motorized, battery powered, 3D printed, Arduino-based combination lock cracking device. It is portable, open source, 3D models provided, and exploits a new technique I’ve discovered for cracking combination locks in 8 attempts or less, but in an even

DIY X-Ray Inspector Looks Inside Chips

    If you have ever wanted an X-Ray machine in the lab to assist in tracing out the PCB traces that run under components? John McMaster built just that. He used a dental X-Ray machine which has a very small image size. A controller moves the system to allow for multiple images to be taken and stitched together later. The result is demystified reverse engineering. Via: Make    

High Voltage Ejector Bed

  Do you need some help getting out of bed in the morning? This High Voltage Ejector Bed doesn’t give you gradual wake up music, a slow simulates sun rise, sun from motorized blinds or any other pleasant method of starting your day.  This system rings warning bells, flashes warning lights and blasts you our of bed with pneumatics. I think this would be very effective and would be used faithfully

Molson Canadian Smart Beer Fridges

  Molson Canadian knows how to make an interesting Beer Fridge. While most would simply give the high tech illusion Molson Canadian has actually went to great lengths to allow the tech in the fridge to actually work the magic. In all cases the goal is to unlock the fridge to enjoy some cold beer. The methods to open the fridge has changed from version to version. There is one