Vintage Electronics

Nixie Tube IN-18 Tester

  Who would have thought that in 2012 we would have a need for Nixie tube testers since this was a technology that was only developed and used because things like LEDs didn’t exist. Since the technology is so cool it has remained as a technology that is used in some DIY kits and projects. Thanks for sharing this with us Vassilis. “A simple device for testing and/or healing Nixie

Steampunk Webcam from an Old Heater

If you like steampunk you will want to watch the video below where fellow Canadian Robert Shuttleworth from shuttlewerks / ephemera shows us how he builds a webcam from an old electric heater. “Steam punk webcam built from a 1930’s electric heater. Not technically difficult and should cost under $50. Resulting image is old time Alice Through the Looking Glass”

DIY 1970's Calculator

If you think about the technology in the 70s and wonder what a home made calculator would look like this is exactly what I have in mind. A wooden box is used to house multiple small circuit boards and reams of colored wires connect everything together. I remember hearing about the Woz designing many of his creations on paper rather than with actual electronics since the parts were so expensive.

Watch TV on an CRT Scope

Tired of watching your flat panel LCD and miss the days when you were trouble shooting your circuits with a CRT scope? You can have the best of both worlds with this circuit. CameramanLink designed the circuit below to make it happen. If you have a few hours to kill have a look at the ton of projects that CameramanLink has done! “Homemade television video monitor built from scratch. It

Typewriter automated using Solenoids

Remember ZORK? Take a look at this typewriter which has been automated by hooking up tons of electro-mechanical goodness to an old typewriter! Thanks for the tip Jack. “Each key is attached by fishing line to a solenoid, an electromechanical device that pulls down when electric current is passed through it. The solenoids sit behind and underneath the typewriter in a multi-layer structure. The solenoids are connected to a MOSFET,

1953 Radio upgraded and now plays MP3s

I had never heard of the system that this radio used to be used on. It was tied into the telephone system and received the audio programming over the phone line. Since this system has been discontinued the 1953 Radio was upgraded to play MP3s and FM Radio. The neat thing about the conversion is that it still uses all the original electronics to make the sound so it still

Worlds Smallest TV Station from back in 1959

Back in 1959 a small garage was rented and a DIY television studio was born. The TV station was called PJ-TV because they were located in Port Jervis. They were broadcasting to its viewers instead of using the airwaves. Seems that things have come full circle, all of the big networks are turning to IP TV for a large portion of their offering and other initiatives such as TWIT and