What Were They Thinking

Cardboard Computer Build

  Mark Nesselhaus is building a computer the hard way, by using handfuls of transistors and cardboard.   “Attempt to build a computer using cardboard and brass paper fasteners as the base material for all of the logic circuits. Why? Well, the cardboard is free as my workplace puts it in the dumpster and I do not have the funds to buy better material. All of the electronic parts thus far

Fast Workers winding Coils

  There are some electronic components that you just assume are cranked out of a machine that has a hopper of raw materials on one end and finished goods coming out of the other. Check out the amazingly fast worker making coils at 1:03. I wonder how far off our robotic technology is till we can have a robot perform this job. A person can be trained to do it

Deadly Cup Water Heater

  We have testing agencies that will happily test your mains connected electrical devices and allow you to use the agency symbol if your device passes their battery of tests and determines that it is safe for consumers to use. Bigclive.com shows us that there is a company that is making a device that works well but is dangerous as hell. The device he found basically connects mains voltage directly

Fake Eggs

  There are lots of companies faking electronics. Look like the next trend is faking food like eggs! There is already enough additives in modern food from the grocery store. Just imagine if the eggs in the carton didn’t come from chickens. Thankfully in Canada the only thing I need to be cautious about are free range eggs being mislabeled.            

Underground Bunker in Backyard

  If you are running out of room in your house most people would build an addition, build a room in the basement, re-purpose the garage or move. Colin Furze is not following the normal thinking here. He dug up the backyard of the house tossed in a ton of concrete and steel to make an underground bunker which is hidden from view from pesky neighbors. Watch the video above

ICON A5 Recreation Airplane

    The ICON A5 costs about $200K which is cheap by plane standards and with only 20 hours of flight time to get a pilot license needed to fly this plane I can see this open up a great new hobby for some. Here is hoping this is just the first step into making these planes cheaper and more accessible to the average Joe. Via: Wired “ICON A5 Amphibious

Replica of Batman Returns Batmobile

  If you like movie cars have a look at this one. Not sure it would fit in the garage but it would be fun to drive around town! Via: TechEBlog “Special crime fighting gadgets include a fully operational flame thrower at the rear, hydraulic suspension enabling the car to be lifted a further nine inches off the ground, a smoke release mechanism, remote full releasing electronic canopy, remote ignition and