What Were They Thinking

USB Barbie Doll

Wired has a list of some weird USB devices. The Barbie is quite cute, when you want to plug in the USB key/Barbie doll simply rip off the head and jab it into a computer… “The plethora of USB ports now offered by today’s PCs has spawned an abundance of ridiculous devices. A small culture of collectors has even emerged around odd USB gadgets, and chances are one of them

Automatic Form-Fitting Door

This door would be good up here in Canada to keep the cold out. I think they have to get a few bugs worked out though so that people don’t bang their head when walking through… Easy solution would be to make hard hat wearing manditory at your house 🙂 “Those inventors in Japan cooked up another good one. A door which opens according to the shape of the individual,

Caffeine Soap

Took a double take when I stumbled on this product! “Tired of waking up and having to wait for your morning coffee to brew? Are you one of those groggy early morning types that just needs that extra kick? Know any programmers who don’t regularly bathe and need some special motivation? Introducing Caffeinated Soap, the caffeinated soap from Xoxide… Engraved with a glorious “C” for Caffeine, scented with peppermint oil

5 Volt Potato Battery

Seems people are getting creative when making batteries. We aren’t seeing the typical fruit batteries that everyone has made in high school. An example of a creative battery that you might remember from a few months ago is the penny battery. Well I would have to say this potato battery is a step up in creativity. I wouldn’t have thought you could make a battery out of potatoes, but I

RSStroom Reader

Looking for a gift for the person who has everything? Why not get them a RSS printer for their washroom. “Introducing the RSStroom reader by Yi Tien Electronics, with this gadget you’ll be able to print the latest RSS headlines directly on to rolls of toilet paper. It also features Wi-Fi Connectivity, USB 2.0, and RSS 2.0/Atom compatibility. This reader interacts with your toilet bowl “biometrically” which basically means when

RFID Chips in Food?

Now that RFID tags are a measly .005 x .005 inches and is 7.5 micrometers thick. A host of new tagging options are available. Gone will be the day when you ask for a check at the end of a meal at the restaurant. Simply order what you want, eat and get scanned at the cash register on the way out. Mixed in with the pepper on your hot dog

Elmo Asks 'Who Wants to Die?'

Some evil genius bought a bunch of Elmo talking books, reprogrammed them to say some “evil” (cool) things and then returned them to the store. “Reprogrammed Elmo books sold to unsuspecting parents to teach kids to use the potty.” Click play to listen to the new audio! [audio:elmo.mp3] read more | digg story