This hack adds a jack to the back of a PSP that allows a SNES controller to be used for game play!
Go to The F00 for more details.
"This mod was achieved by adding a small socket to the back of the psp ( the socket was sent to me by a friend some time ago so I dont have a part number. I believe it was intended for a cell phone). I taped all of the relevant points on the psp mother board (some of which where horribly close together and tiny. Actually not some ALL of them where), and then ran these to the socket. I used a file and dremal to cut a whole in the back of the psp and the socket fitted in with a satisfying *click*. I then put together a custom cable and plug that would fit the newly attached socket. This was then wired to the snes controllers pcb (attached directly to the traces of each button. And thats about it."
because he can.
This is great considering home brew emulators !!!
Good post, nice and clear, thanks. Are you going to do an update on this post? I will subscribe to this blog!