
A Virtual Weather Station for Minecraft Game

  If you know Minecraft you will get a kick out of this Virtual Weather Station for Minecraft Game. This is actually a weather station named “Minestation” which gets the weather data for Minecraft game using a shield to connect to an Arduino which is connected to a PC via USB while you are playing the game. The video is a must watch to review the details of this amazing

Implementing fully adjustable Rapid Fire Mode for Xbox 360

  Shawn McCombs from thief dark has modified his Xbox 360 controller for rapid fire mode by making it fully adjustable. The video shows how the system works. It has a pot that mounts on the side which is used to make the adjustments to how the rapid fire works. “Now I will have to explain this one to you. You must desolder the three trigger pins shown in the

Laser Shooting Duck Hunt Game

  Have you ever been to carnivals and played Duck Hunt Game? Check out the video of this Laser Shooting Duck Hunt Game which shows how this game has evolved using Laser technology. It was carried out by few students from San Jose State University and made the use of laser guns for shooting the eye-catching ducks made up of glass which is makes this game more fascinating to play.