January 2006

Computer Monitor Jacob's Ladder

This is a very simple and fun use of a dying computer monitor. Jacob’s ladders have been around forever, but I don’t think one has ever been made in this way before. Check out the video on his site to see it in action! read more | digg story

Fun With Lasers

Ever wanted to make a DIY project using lasers? No time like the present! Here are a few projects that will get your feet wet. Philippe Hurbain enjoys lego and building sensors. He has made a Laser Target Finder Sensor, his web site provides full schematics and detailed construction details. Here is what he says about his laser sensor: “I originally built this sensor to be able to perform triangulation

Top 5 Bad Tech Products

Don’t get me wrong, I love adding technology to things that don’t need it. I wouldn’t have made the LED fish lights otherwise :). But some of the commercial products that are coming out are making me roll my eyes. Here is my top 5 things that should not have been produced. 5) Knife with a USB drive. When I am looking to buy a pocket knife I want to