April 2006

Telephone Listening Bug

Leorick Simon found plans to built a telephone listening bug at Electronics Lab. His resulting project looks quite good. He also took the time to design a nice strip board component layout. “Here is a simple transmitter that when connected to a phone line, will transmit anything on that line (execpt the dial tone) to any FM radio. The frequency can be tuned from 88 to about 94Mhz and the

Fun with Gauss

What is Gauss? According to whatis.com is: “The gauss (symbolized G) is the centimeter-gram-second (cgs) unit of magnetic flux density. A flux density of 1 G represents one maxwell per centimeter squared (1 Mx ­ cm-2). The gauss was named for the German scientist Karl Friedrich Gauss.” How can this be fun? Watch the videos below and you will soon see! Check out FastMHz for more project details. “A Gauss

The Singing Keyboard

Here is a cool trick to play on someone. Make their keyboard sing when the caps lock button is pressed. Read more about it at The Mozmonkey Blog. “Take the musical element from a musical greeting card and connect it to the caps lock LED on the user’s keyboard. Each time the victim presses caps lock the music plays (and quite loud too). This is a great sleeping prank…It might

Laser Music Link

  YouTube user ChibiChn has come up with a complex but accurate method of transmitting sound using a laser beam. He uses some 555 chips and a small laser to transmit the sound using laser light. Then a photo transistor, a comparator and a audio amplifier are used to receive the laser light and convert it back into audio. The result is audio that is slightly lower than CD quality.

VW Sign LED Upgrade

Hacked Gadget forum member Jared Harley posted an interesting VW sign LED project that he did for his friend Toby. The original blue fluorescent bulb was broken and LEDs were used as an alternative light source. Jared drilled some holes in the edge of the sign, hot glued some current limited LEDs in place and voila, good as new. “The plan is to remove the light fixture from within the

Hard Drive Destruction Video Collection

There may come a time when you need to destroy the data on an old hard drive. If you don’t want to make something cool out of it then here are some fun video hard drive destruction suggestions. Disclaimer: Many hard drives were harmed in the making of these videos 🙂   Video 1

Top 5 Dead Hard Drive Projects

What do you do when your hard drive dies or is so small it is no longer useful? Easy, rip it apart and make something cool out of it! Here are 5 ideas to get you started. 1) Hard Drive Laser Oscilloscope (page 2) 2) Hard Drive Clock (page 3) 3) Hard Drive Speakers (page 4) 4) Hard Drive Generator (page 5) 5) Hard Drive Wind Chimes (page 6) Find