Funditor shows us how to make a DIY night vision system using a large flashlight, some colored plastic discs and an old digital camera. The result is an invisible spotlight that will allow you to see what the light is pointed at using the camera. High power IR LEDs could also be used but would cost a bit more.
that is cool. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
you stop using my name you little monkey.
I bet the flashlight is visible from kilometers away
Why would the flashlight be visible kilometers away? It emits only infrared light and as such, everything remains entirely dark. I’ve built this – I know.
I doubt those cellophane discs he used are Congo Blue and Primary Red.
Even then, visable light could still come through the lens, with a X,000,000 candela spot light like that.
Its like those infrared goggles that you make out of welding goggles.
“Its like those infrared goggles that you make out of welding goggles.”
Do you godt at link to those??
Enjoy your damaged retina.
seen something similar to this, only for a webcam, used a piece of exposed film for the filter on the camera, and took a IR led out of an old tv remote….not more than a few bucks and worked pretty good
So if you made the infrared goggles I would assume you would be able to see the flashlight infrared light without a camera but no one else. Right?
Interesting idea Question Man, but I don’t think it would work since no mater what lenses are placed in the goggles our eye can’t see that spectrum of light. I wonder if there is something passive that can shift the light spectrum?
Question Man, you are correct. Alan, they actually do work. The reason being that the photoreceptors (basically the digital chip that translates the light into a pixelated image) on most digital cameras actually CAN pick up some parts (I think the extreme low end) of the IR spectrum the filter merely removes it (I believe it is due to something about intereference with the digital image quality) however the photoreceptor picks up the IR light it “sees” and translates it into digital impulses which are interpreted and then displayed as visible light on the LCD screen.
Now as far as the flashlight goes, dunno if a screen could cut out all visible light without imparing the IR output, but virtually EVERY light source generates Infared radiation some more than others even flashlights do. However without some kind of special polarizing films or something I don’t know if you cover the light and still have a sufficient IR output to illuminate your surroundings.
Hope this helps, a little foggy on the details, its been awhile since I’ve read up about this.
i have forbing this for studying this for a while because I believe that you could implement this in scopes one setup is mount surefire flashlights with celophane do the same to a scope
set lights up on side and see if it works if someone knows if it works it would help night vision scopes cost 1,000 on the cheap end
sorry about spelling earlier just skip first five words
hey who has made those welding glases u can test in dark room with remote please test and say how well it worked pics would be great