Hard Drive Generator

So you have already build a hard drive clock. What else could an old hard drive be good for? How about a hard drive generator? The guys at The Workshop were thinking outside of the box when they came up with this one.

“Here’s an excelent way to recycle your old hard drives and have them create energy for you! This site shows how to use a bunch of old hard drive parts to create a generator and elsewhere on the site there are directions on how to set up a windmill. So when you’re done you can have the wind turn parts of your old hard drives and give you free electricity!”

Source: DIY Happy

Some more pictures of the build.


  1. Very cool build.
    Recycled my old hard drives into a seismograph.
    I read all your page, love the LED and the cat on the steps w LEDs.

  2. Hi Ralph, that sounds interesting. Have some pictures or a Web link?

  3. When I build my ultimate geek house it will be powered by a hard drive generator 🙂

  4. Thats a cool mod. If you want to buil a dynamo like that.Just send your old drives to the address: Las casas 009 san isidro Lima Peru. email: kabukicho2001@hotmail.com

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