April 2006

Pneumatic LEGO Wheel

Philippe Hurbain has created a pneumatic LEGO wheel. This wheel has no electronics and is controlled by two hand pumps, also made from LEGO. There are very detailed construction details available on his site that were created using LeoCAD and some LeoCAD plugins. “The principle is simple: * a piston is pressurized and contract. * this contraction causes an arm to pull out the wheel. This arm pushes on ground

Old School Nixie Clock

OK this is another Nixie clock right? WRONG! Ryan Brooks has gone old school, he built this clock around 31 year old processor technology! The controller chip is a MOS 6502, unlike modern microcontrollers this CPU requires a host of supporting circuitry and logic for it function. Ryan has all of the details you need to build your own on his site. “So, I wanted a Nixie clock and I

The Leaf Project

The Leaf is an interesting artificial intelligence and vision robotic system. It is open source, software and construction details are available on the Leaf Project Web site. There are three Leaf system developers: * Bruce Weimer who has made some other very interesting systems. * Robin Hewitt, she likes to see what makes robots tick. * Alex Brown who, no surprise, has also made some interesting robots. “From Left to

Interactive LED Dining Table

Seems to be a table theme going here. This table is sure to keep your guests entertained! I am not sure which one I like more, this one or the LED Disco Bar? If colored LEDs aren’t your thing why not have a look at a white LED table. “We made a dining table with a frosted glass top lit by 448 multicolored LEDs that respond, in a complex and

Speaker Laser Light Show

Interesting idea. I might give this a try with a set of old speakers I have laying around. I think I would use a more powerful laser though so that it is a bit brighter. “Bryan was telling us over dinner how in school his science teacher setup a laser light show. Bryan has a laser level, so we decided to do it. The concept is so simple. Basically, the