The Miuro is a crazy gadget that takes mobile media to the next level. Looks like a cool hackable robotics platform. The price is a bit too steep for the casual hardware hacker though…
“A new, $930 robot from Japan’s ZMP Inc. called Miuro is designed around the Apple iPod. Built in partnership with audio giant Kenwood, it basically transforms an iPod — which clips into the top of the robot — into a remote-controlled BOOMBOX ON WHEELS, rolling around and blasting music. Its movements can be pre-programmed, so you can teach it to make an entrance or dance to the music it’s playing. No iPod? No problem! It also streams music wirelessly from the installation of iTunes on your PC. Various options, including a camera and other sensors that help the robot get around on its own, are sold separately. It comes in white, black, yellow or red. Miuro went on sale today in Japan, and should become available in the U.S. later this year.”
Via: The Raw Feed
The Miuro – Robot For Your iPod

cool gadget,its really cooool.