Top 5 Cool Tables

1. iBar, Interactive Touch Screen Bar Table

The iBar is one heck of a cool bar!

“iBar is a system for the interactive design of any bar-counter. Integrated video-projectors can project any content on the milky bar-surface. The intelligent tracking system of iBar detects all objects touching the surface. This input is used to let the projected content interact dynamically with the movements on the counter. Objects can be illuminated at their position or virtual objects can be “touched” with the fingers. ”

2. Human Locator Table

I could see this table being fun to play with. Too bad it is only in Vegas…

“The multiple award winning Tabu Ultra Lounge at the Las Vegas MGM Grand has been recently renovated with the addition of 5 interactive tables. Since its opening, Tabu has been the trend setter for the many lounges that have recently sprung up in Las Vegas.”

3. Sonicforms Open Source Audio Visual Table

Sonicforms seems to be an interesting open source concept.

Watch the Video of the table in action!

“Sonicforms an open source research platform for developing tangible interfaces for audio visual environments. The aim of the project is to improve this area of musical interaction by creating a community knowledge base and open tools for production. By decentralising the technology and providing an easier entry point, artists and musicians can focus on creating engaging works, rather than starting from the ground up.”

4. Disco Bar

David Worden’s computer controlled Disco Bar with 128 LEDs! He used control boards from Dropout Design.

“Yes, I would sell my bar. A minimum of $5,000. Yes, its a rediculously high price that no one would ever pay, but it would have to be worthwhile for me to sell it with all the work I put into it.

The bar is very safe actually. I have epoxy pretty much everywhere on the top, so its totally liquid proof. As for inside the cabinet, I’ll be putting some type of protection over the controller boards so in case someone reaches inside, they dont have to worry about bumping anything. They are already out of reach, but better safe than sorry.”

5. LED Dining Room Table

Seems to be a table theme going here. This table is sure to keep your guests entertained!

“We made a dining table with a frosted glass top lit by 448 multicolored LEDs that respond, in a complex and gentle fashion, to input generated by motion above the table while we eat.”

Watch the table doing its thing


  1. wether available in india.

  2. well i want to see where can i bought one of this ibar

  3. Lbar
    LTi ha desarrollado nuevos paneles de proyección interactiva
    nuevas interfaces de comunicación hombre-computador,
    empleando logica e inteligencia artificial de representación de efectos
    visuales cinemáticos.
    El resultado es la representación de interactividad en tiempo de
    representación real.
    Para utilizar en mesas para bares con publicidad no limita sus aplicaciones
    en museos, sistemas didacticos de aprendizaje, etc.
    Se realiza la programación a pedido con imagenes provistas por del cliente
    actualización por RJ45 o USB
    Formatos y medidas segun proyecto del cliente
    Medidas de imagen desde 55×75cm a 75×130cm por unidad de mesa
    en unidades fijas no hay límite de largo,
    Consultar por desarrollos especiales cuvos
    Alimentación 110~220VAC, consumo 800Watts
    Precio por metro lineal para mesas rectangulares
    Precio por mesa Isla 65×85cm altura 105cm
    En Vigo pueden ver la instalacion de varios metros en la disco DUX
    Saludos Cordiales
    LTI news inc.

  4. do you sell the led dining tables?

    if not, where can i can something like this?

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