Grad Gown LED VU Meter


You may remember the Grad Cap LED Hack that we had here last year, this Grad Gown LED hack uses a bunch of LEDs that are connected to an audio detection circuit that makes it into a VU meter! It is one of the entries in the Curious Inventor Contest, this is the last day of the contest so hurry to get an entry in.

"I had an idea for a while to build a VU meter into a tie or T-Shirt. I decided to kill two birds with one stone by building the VU meter into my graduation gown. The end result was 10 super bright blue leds lined up the front of the gown."


  1. would be pretty cool to do up your grad gown in all infared leds so no one can see it, but if people are watching a recording later they wouldn’t know what was up with your gown!

  2. Cool idea daftness! I would setup a bunch of infrared LEDs to make a smiley face. 🙂

  3. Just don’t go into the airport wearing that.

  4. Very nice! Now I would like to see some LED Strip lights on the graduation cap that light up to say something 🙂

    Graduation Stoles

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