June 9, 2006

World's most poorly-designed mouse?

Engadget has a article about a poorly designed mouse. Well it isn’t all that bad if you don’t click that often, others would like carpal tunnel so they can take some time off. “There’s at least one manufacturer at Computex this year who’s never heard about the concept of not fixing something that ain’t broken, as evidenced by the atrociously-designed mouse you see pictured above, which actually repositions the left-

Bottle Cap Laptop Hinge Repair

Looking for a cheap way to fix that busted hinge on your old laptop? This hack might be the ticket you are looking for. “Well, one day it fell down and the hinge + cover broke at the right side – a problem a lot of notebooks have as parts like the hinges, their covers and the TFT display often brake on notebooks. As a consequence of this, spare parts

Bottle Opener

Seems like there is never a bottle opener around when you need one for cracking open a nice import beer. Well look no further than this wall mounted bottle opener that is mounted in a convenient place!

DIY Web Server not using a Computer

Sylvain Ferrand from France has made a Web server that you could build and stuff in your pocket. No hard drive, monitor, CD-Rom drive etc. Just a handful of components and some code. Take a look at his site for the schematic and components you need. “The ENC28J60 is a single chip 10mb Ethernet controller easy to drive by a microcontroller with SPI bus. It’s a cheap low pin-out (28

Uranium Jeans

Hacked Gadget reader Sara sent in a tip for this cool looking clothing line. “Check out “the interactive clothing concept,” brought to you by Uranium Jeans, a French company that has started making jeans and clothing with embedded thin flexible micro screens. “Luminous and communicative,” and “the very latest thing,” says the company on its website.” Via: PopGadget

Hibiscus Rescue Bot

David Ponce of OhGizmo posted a robot that I can only hope is available is I am ever trapped in a collapsed building and need to be rescued. “Being trapped beneath a pile of rubble is a bad way to spend your weekend. And while people in earthquake prone areas are more likely to benefit from the Hibiscus rescue bot (a design of Chiba Institute of Technology), rescue agencies worldwide

Top 10 Strangest Clocks

TechEBlog has a cool top 10 list of strange clocks. The Giovannoni Timesphere looks neat, and seems to be a bargain at the price. “Priced at $150, the Giovannoni Timesphere is a nifty alarm clock that is capable of projecting the time onto any surface via a wireless orb.”