DIY Fiber Optic Camera Flash Ring


For about $5 you can build your own DIY Fiber Optic Camera Flash Ring. It allows you to extend the camera flash using fiber optic to illuminate your subject from many tiny points of light all around the camera lens.

"This is a fibre-optic flash extension for your DSLR’s popup flash. Totally easy! Works great! Durable! Designed specifically for K20D with 100 2.8 DFA lens but adaptable to other lenses (see Tamron Adaptall 90 2.5 example at the end.) Build your own!"


  1. This is actually pretty ingenious… I couldn’t figure out why one would need this, then saw the usage… it’s for macro photography at close proximity where a standard hotshoe flash misses the subject. I’ve had that problem before, very cool solution!

  2. John,
    Ring flashes are good for lots of photography other than just macro. I believe it’s generally used in portrait photography due to the unique shadow it puts around the subject.

  3. Have to wonder, would it be possible to make this work with a smaller or a digital camera? Just curious.

  4. Having made a couple of front flashes using 2 strobe tubes then experimenting with “SUPABRITES” I find these LED`s not powerful enough. Also using fibre optics with the onboard flash must surely deliver weak power.

  5. Hi,

    Where can I purchase the fiber optics? Did a quick google search, but no luck.


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