Win a Pleo

Photo courtesy of Perspective Branding

Robert from Robots Rule passed on a tip about a Pleo giveaway contest that some of you may be interested in.

“The Pleo pre-order date has been moved from February 3rd to sometime this
spring. To make up for it Ugobe is holding a contest to give away 10 Pleos in
a contest to those people that are signed up on Ugobe’s E-mail
. You must be signed up by the contest start date before Febuary
The contest asks entrants to write a 250 word essay on “How do
you envision robotic life forms influencing or touching your life in the next
five years?”. Only the first 500 submissions will be accepted. Out of
those, 10 will be chosen based on the best answer given to receive a free Pleo
that will come with a personal note from Caleb Chung.

Pleo is being delayed due to upgrades like the following:

– It’s eyes are being redone to look as realistic and life like as possible.

– The skin is being refined to have features that are painted on to be replaced
with sculpted details that will give the impression of muscle tissue under the

– The number of sounds Pleo can make is being expanded on the speaker upgraded
to make Pleo’s voice much more realistic.

– Finally, a chin sensor is being added so scratching Pleo under the chin gets
an fun playful reaction.

People can learn more about Pleo at the RobotsRule Pleo Dinosaur page
where you can also find new photos of the cuddly blue-eyed baby dinosaur.”