February 2, 2007

How is the fake candle power trick done?

Ok, I am not going to insult anyones intelligence here and claim that this video could be true. I am curious how it is done though. My theory is that during one of the early cut scenes the nails that are inserted into the candles are connected to power from under the table. Or longer nails are inserted and there are hooked up to power from the back of the

Win a Pleo

Photo courtesy of Perspective Branding Robert from Robots Rule passed on a tip about a Pleo giveaway contest that some of you may be interested in. “The Pleo pre-order date has been moved from February 3rd to sometime this spring. To make up for it Ugobe is holding a contest to give away 10 Pleos in a contest to those people that are signed up on Ugobe’s E-mail list. You