June 23, 2006

MacBook Pro Disco Keyboard

If you have turned your MacBook into a lightsaber already, you might want to try out this cool iTunes plugin that takes control of the keyboard and screen backlight. “Using an iTunes visualizer plugin from stewreo.de/keyboarddisco.html. I dimmed the backlight on the screen for better visibility of the keyboard, but the plugin can also flash the screen backlight with the music.” Via: TechEBlog and Make

Build an emergency LED Light

UtahNature has a few interesting emergency light project uses a few white LEDs to create an inexpensive light. Project 1 Project 2 “We will describe constructing an emergency light using 3 or 4 white LEDs fitted into a 1/2 or 3/4 inch PVC pipe coupling and mounted into a clamp-on miniture light housing. Since most radio shacks have a 13.8 VDC emergency supply, we will configure the light to use

Scarf for Techno-Addicts

I almost fell off my chair laughing when I saw the Techno-Addict Scarf. “Advertise to the world that you’re alone and want to stay that way with a privacy scarf developed by Joe Malia, a grad student who apparently can’t do without his portable media. Besides being completely dorky-looking, we can’t imagine this garment being anywhere near comfortable. How can you breathe in the thing?”