June 25, 2006

 Rubik's Cube Solving Robot

This robot can solve the Rubik’s Cube faster than most people! “What’s the point of having robots if you’re not going to make them solve Rubik’s Cube puzzles?! With all the unsolved Rubik’s Cubes puzzles there are all over the planet i think it’s every governments responsibility to send wave after wave of these robots into cities, streets and into peoples homes, searching out every last unsolved Rubik’s Cube puzzle

How to Make a Mouse with a Fan in it

If you want to keep cool while using your computer give this mouse mod a try. If you still need more cooling this USB shirt may be the answer. “It’s not too hard to add a small DC fan to a computer mouse. The plastic housing for a mouse, especially on older ones, is usually wide open in the back. Put a fan in the back to keep your hand

Change Optical Mouse LED

Ever want to change the color of your optical mouse? “This mod is very easy to do. It took me about 15 minutes from start to finish. Blue IMO looks much better than the red before. Much easier on my eyes. The skill level to do this mod is pretty low. The only thing you need to know how to do is solder, which is something that anyone can pick.