June 29, 2006

The Handy iPod Controller

  The Handy is an interesting project by Zaizhuang Cheng, Derrick Ko, Colin Tan and Naga Setiawan from Purdue University. Very impressive since the parts cost is around $100.00. “The motivation is to provide a button-free environment in which the user can just use hand gestures to control the sound system. For example, when the user is driving, all he has to do is perform the appropriate hand gestures to


If you are looking to attach something that is real annoying to your car or truck look no further, the HornBlaster is for you. “Ever heard a train sound its horn from a mile away? How about from up close? HornBlasters.com specializes in selling extremely loud train horn setups for just about any use. We have lots of specialized kits already perfected for use on trucks, cars, SUVs, boats, or

Lego Crossbow

Is there anything that can’t be made out of LEGO? After seeing this I am thinking the answer is NO. “One day I was making a simple little elastic gun to shoot Lego blocks and I thought to myself, ‘it would be cooler if it had some kind of trigger.’ The next thing I knew, I was involved in a competition with my own self” Via: TechEBlog

Wireless computer shrunk to smaller than a credit card

If space is at a premium and your budget is small, this computer is tiny and cheap! “The CM-X270 is a small Computer-on-Module board designed to serve as a building block in embedded applications. The CM-X270W has all the components required to run operating systems such as Linux and Windows CE. Ready packages for these operating systems are available from CompuLab. The small size and low power consumption of the

Nixie Propeller Clock

You have seen propeller clocks before, but what about a Nixie Propeller Clock? I didn’t think so! Check out the link for code and a schematic. “I stuffed the board with the PIC, the crystal oscillator, two logic chips, 10 HV transistors, the nixie, the HV inverter from a disposable camera flash circuit, the 7805 5V regulator, a 0.6 Farad memory cap, diodes, and the pushbuttons for setting the time.