If you are looking to attach something that is real annoying to your car or truck look no further, the HornBlaster is for you.
“Ever heard a train sound its horn from a mile away? How about from up close? HornBlasters.com specializes in selling extremely loud train horn setups for just about any use. We have lots of specialized kits already perfected for use on trucks, cars, SUVs, boats, or just about any kind of vehicle imaginable.”
This is really stupid. This is the moral equivalent of those idiots who went around shooting paintballs at bystanders. Can’t these people get their kicks some other way than scaring others. Get a life.
Its a bit cruel…but this is the biggest laugh i’ve had in a long time. Good cheese thats hilarious to watch.
This was absolutely juvenile, stupid, and moronic…but I laughed my butt off watching these videos. I want one!
Hi #1,
I think there is a big between this and the guys that were shooting people with paintballs. Here no one gets hurt.
I’m a bit disappointed at hackedgadgets.com. I hold this site in high-esteem for the quality of ideas/inventions posted. This one has no intelligence, no bright idea, just low class humor. Please maintaine your high intellectual standards, and not waste your space on crap like this.
I have seen things like this before and it’s a good gag. Stop getting upset about it everyone, it’s not like anyone was hurt. Besides, I bet everysingle person that got honked at will love to tell the story to thier friends. I just hope that when I get one, I run into you poor sports on the streets…
What I wan’t is a horn that is able to respond to how angry i am (pressure sensitive at least) and adjust its volume accordingly.
But a train horn would be great for all those SUVs that think they own the road just cos they are higher off the ground.
I agree that it’s extremely juvenile and probably all sorts of illegal (assault with a decibel weapon?), but OMG, it was pretty darn funny.
Then again, it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eardrum (or drops dead from a heart attack).
I hope that some nacist with his own guzi mounted on da hood will shoot into your assholish car!
Hey, #5, I would expect that “highly intellectual” people, like yourself, would be able to spell ‘maintain’.
#9, whats a nacist? Whats a guzi? Youre obviously one of those four black kids that ran from the car like it was gonna eat them.
I want this so badly. My horn is pretty piddly. I dont necessarily need it to be THAT loud, but Ive wanted an airhorn for quite some time now.
Great stuff!
#10, I’m sure you’d want a d1ck extender too.
****ing hilarious, couldnt stop laughing, even though i have an air horn, not as awesome as that
hornblasters made the vids as a marketing device: sure got your attention, didn’t it? (still laughing) Where I live not only do the people have a 90 driving IQ, the deer are a real hazard. I’m positively lovin the idea of getting a hornblasters horn.
It’s a great safety device and lots of fun!
train horns are great
they shouldn’t be used to scare people it’s actually against the law and cause accidents, anyone who promotes that is a total jerk.
I agree, scaring people with them isn’t cool. However, I can think of some functional uses for them.
I think this is very cool. Their is no reason for anyone to judge anyone else. Plus this site
is about gadgets and cool appilications of these said gadgets. Nice post
This video is so funny! Those things are so loud, I just bought one for my nephew.