LEGO Rubberband Chaingun


This Rubber Band Chaingun is one mean machine. It seems to work very well.

“The motor driven barrels start winding up to speed at the flick of a switch on the handle. Pulling the trigger unleashes a stream of rubber bands, deluging the target. The fire rate is high enough that at least half a dozen bands are in the air at any one time – the gun appears to fire a single very long chain of them. It’s as much like using a hose pipe as firing a rubber band gun. It also sounds fantastic because each mechanism makes a distinct click as it discharges a rubber band.”

Via: TechEBlog


  1. Don’t stick your finger in there…

    I didn’t think LEGO could hold together when spinning that fast!

  2. LEGO can easily hold that together IF you build it right

  3. Fantastic! I want to build one. It is hard to see how it is built from the picture. Anybody have any plans?

  4. Hey guys,

    great machine!!
    Can I ask you the name of the music you used?
    thanks a lot!

  5. Hey it;s a long time ago when te last post was posted but do you have any blueprints

  6. How do you make it

  7. I want blueprints please

  8. This thing rox, ive seen him make a movie with it – it packs a punch…

  9. So how many rubber bands can it fire without reloading?

  10. dido, it can fire up to 64 bands wihtout reraloading, the guy who made this also made a semi auto rubberband uzi with a switch that makes it full auto too. if any one wants the web address just reply.

  11. this hasn’t been replied to for some time but…


  12. i neeed blue prints and should make it a trademark toy and get cash

  13. Thats so awesome!!!!

    Btw. What’s the website address for plans of that uzi you where talking about?

  14. well on brickshelf the plans (really a strip) down are at then go to search and search not regular searh, theres membs seacrh and search sebdick the look into it for the micro uzi

  15. Thank god my brother didn’t have that growing up O_o

  16. It costs 40,000 dollors to fire thees gun for -twelve- -seconds-.


  17. This does not work on the chain gun principle. It is a gatling style system. A chain gun uses a chain driven mechanism which rotates in an track around the receiver.

  18. wow :O
    looks like a mini gun

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