Bi-Color LED Clock based on the TI MSP 430 Microcontroller


Kenneth Finnegan just completed a Bi-Color LED Clock project that is based on the TI MSP 430 Microcontroller. Thanks to the cheap development environment I think we will soon see many more MSP430 projects in the near future. Kenneth used a plastic single gang junction box and a cover plate as the project box, coming in at around $1.00 it would be hard to find a cheaper box to house the project. The interface to the project is a toggle switch and a push button, it looks like after a bit of button debounce is implemented the project will be perfect. There is a full schematic and code provided so you can make your own.

“Parts list:

  • MSP430G2101 controller (though any MSP430G2 controller with 1k+ of flash should work
  • 32.768kHz quartz crystal. I happened to only have a 6pF one, instead of the more standard 12.5pF, but the crystal oscillator in the MSP430 can be adjusted in software to match either.
  • perf board large enough to fit the controller
  • 1 14 pin DIP3 socket
  • 2x 120Ω resistors for the bicolor LED anodes
  • 1 bicolor red-green LED
  • 1 5mm LED panel mount
  • 1 100μF and 1 0.1μF capacitor for power filtering on the perf board
  • 1 2xAA battery clip
  • 1 4k pull-up resistor for the reset pin
  • 1 NO (normally open) push button
  • 1 SPDT (single pole double throw) switch with center off position
  • 1 gang box and blank cover”