You may remember this tiny Web server. Well I guess small Web servers are the in thing right now . Is that a Web server in your pocket… (well you know the rest). Have a look at this Newton Web Server, not very powerful but it is amazing that it even works!
If you are lucky you will even see a page served up by the tiny server by clicking here.
“NPDS is a web server and associated support modules for Newton devices running Newton OS 2.x. It was originally a project started by Matt Vaughn based on sample code by Ray Rischpater. Other contributors are Adam Tow, Victor Rehorst and Paul Guyot for this particular branch of the code. There is also a Unicode-based branch of NPDS that was being developed by Yoichi Takezawa. The NPDS site is currently preened and noodled by Grant Hutchinson. Special thanks to the NPDS webmasters who have helped by testing and sending in their bug reports and suggestions.”
Via: Hackaday
Newton Web Server