Will this be our future movie and music collection interface? I sure hope so! The people at Natural Interaction are sure creating some interesting software.
“A natural interaction interface to organize and navigate contents such as images, movies and audio. Make sure to have the speakers turned on! It uses only the left mouse button, mouse motion, arrow keys, save (s) and rewind (r) keys. Useful for astonishing presentations. Content is presented in a minimal, seamless and aesthetically pleasant way. This is our vision of the relationship between humans and media. The interface is persistent, i.e. you can save the full state of it, and recover this state as you restart the interface. Simplicity instead of complexity. Imagine it as a presentation tool or an innovative media player. On http://naturalinteraction.org you can request to download it and test. The grid arrangement allows *everyone* to feel confident with the interface, and even empty spaces get a meaning.”
Thanks Alex
new style is always necessary
for us who r boring classic style of user interfaces
Although its a REALLY slick implementation its just a dumbed down ZoomingUI with only two levels of zoom. Still, it has lots of potential
Last time i played with ZUI’s I did an experiment with my music collection where you got the artist names and as you zoom in it morphs to the album art. zoom in further and it morphs to the album art + track list
Check out Piccolo and the like (http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/jazz/)
I have been over their site; but can’t find where to download; am i just being blind?
Hey aefaradien,
I am not sure that it is fully released yet,I assume that when it is complete there will be more information here:
I think that constraining a ZUI to have just two levels of zoom is a plus, not a minus… it’s the long story of simplicity vs complexity…
Right now you can request the download link to: