October 13, 2006

Talking Skull

  If you have one of those Talking Douglas Fir trees here is a cool talking skull idea. “I took him out to the garage and disconnected his eye and mouth motors from the main post. I then used 2 – 2″ screws and attached the jaw to the motor of the douglas talking fir(DTS now) I used hot glue and sealed the screws to the mouth to insure no

RuBot II - The Rubik's cube solving robot

  Pete Redmond from Mechatrons has created a robot that can solve the Rubik’s Cube. Many robots have done this in the past but this robot does it in a human fashion! “This is the new version of RuBot by Pete Redmond from Dublin, Ireland. It’s very different to the prototype but it has to be the coolest looking robot solver ever. There are cameras in the eyes of the

ARM Coretex M3 Microcontroller Contest

uC Hobby has some news about a microcontroller design contest. Looks like the free controllers are gone but you can still enter and get some prize money. “Circuit Cellar, Luminary Micro, and Keil are running a design competition with $10,000 in prizes. Entering the contest will get you a free ARM microcontroller development kit and your entry may be published in the Circuit Cellar hobby electronics magazine. The kit includes