October 2006

Robot Insect Toy

  Here comes a cool new robot called the NSECT, it looks normal until the wings open to reveal a rotary cannon launcher! “Last year around this time Tyco released the Shell Shocker, a whirling dervish of a bio beast that could transforn from a ball to a wicked fanblade of death. This year Tyco has released the NSECT, which comes armed with six tactical surface-to-air foam missles that can

Popup Tombstone

  This tombstone breaks in half and is sure to scare the neighborhood ghosts and goblins. “This project involves a hollow tombstone that has a seamless crack that when the pneumatic cylinder is activated the tombstone will break open reveling a creature inside. What’s good about this project is that all the mechanics are concealed inside and from the outside it looks like just a regular tombstone. This is a

How Electronic Signs are made

  Interesting video about how electronic signs are made. “Digital signage offers superior return on investment compared to traditional printed signs[1]. Digital signs may be scrolling message boards, LCD or plasma display panels, electronic billboards, projection screens, or other emerging display types like Organic LED screens (OLEDs) that can be controlled electronically using a computer or other device, allowing individuals or groups to remotely change and control their content (usually

Paintball Tank

Looks like a tank, drives like a tank, but you can safely shoot at your friends with it! This tank has been modified to shoot paintballs. If you are lucky enough to live in Lutterworth, Leicestershire you could rent it for a few hours and give it a spin. “Tank driving would be most people’s idea of fun, but imagine the thrill of actually taking part in a tank battle

Floppy Drive Pan Cam

  Milan Gajic has made a cool Web controlled floppy drive powered pan cam. Some simple right and left commands on this page allow anyone on the net to have the floppy drive move the camera around to get look out of Milan’s window. Note: It seems that the cam only works with Internet Explorer at this time. “The goal of the game was to make a webcam panning unit

e-puck Open Source Robot

  These are open source robots called e-puck, look like lots of fun. A little out of the hobbyist budget at $700, but for a research platform that is cheap! “The main goal of this project is to develop a miniature mobile robot for educational purposes at university level. To achieve this goal the robot needs, in our opinion, the following features: * Good structure. The robot should have a

Autorange Capacitance Meter

Why buy test equipment when you can make your own? Edwin made a capacitance meter using a PIC16F873A as the brains. If you want to make your own there is code and a schematic provided on his site. “This is an autoranged version, which means one does not need to adjust the range settings. Furthermore, the measuring range is quite large, from 5pF all the way to 2600uF. It is