The effect of the Invisibility Sphere is interesting, looks like there are still some glitches that have to be worked out. I would love to see this using flat panel monitors with very small seams between them.
“Artist attempts to build an invisible sphere. 215 monitors are placed directly opposite 215 cameras, allowing the viewer to peer directly through a eight hundred pound mass of steel, glass and electronics.”
Via: Ektopia
Invisibilty Sphere using Cameras and Monitors

But it doesn’t work.
I’m guessing he got a good deal on all the monitors.. Otherwise imagine how expensive they would be…
What are they talking about? I can’t see anything in the pictures. It’s invisible, after all. Why, I bet people run right into it because it’s so hard to see…..
Looks mighty comfortable, too. Next thing you know criminals will be using it to hide in stores at night, or roll right down the street completely unobserved by law enforcement. Don’t let this amazing cloaking technology fall nto the wrong hands!!!
I hope he kept the receipts for all those monitors…
I so want invisibility in my lifetime, but come…this is just rubbish. You’d be better off wearing a tin-foil leotard.
Has got to account for the viewer position before calculating what to display on the monitors. To simplify, just choose one viewer position, and only let people view it from there, and if the processing can be done on-line, have objects moving in the room. If the processing has to be done off-line, have objects moving in a pre-determined motion to make it look like it is done live.