November 19, 2006

NES Guitar Mod

Seems like anything can be made from an old NES system, including a guitar. “For the courageous (and musically gifted) this god of a man posted a quasi-DIY guide here, complete with extra pictues. How much would you pay for one of these babies? This god of a man sacrificed his NES, the best system evar, to make a freakin’ awesome guitar. Unlike the Halo fanboy who made the rocket

The Missing Secrets Of Nikola Tesla

  Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht over at Diggnation mentioned this Nikola Tesla video on their last episode. It is a must see! UPDATE: It has come to my attention that some of the facts on the quote below are not correct, please have a look at the comments for some corrected information. “Nikola Tesla (here played by Petar Bozovic) was a famous 19th century Yugoslavian inventor. The film recounts