November 25, 2006

Making the Sonar Blu Ray Wicked Laser

By now I am sure all of you have heard about Blu Ray players. The heart of this innovative device is a special high power laser. Wicked Lasers is striving to bring cutting edge products to their customers. Steve over at Wicked Lasers was kind enough to show us how their new Sonar laser is developed. The crazy thing is that these lasers are so rare they must be harvested

Open Source Gift Guide

Phillip Torrone from Make Magazine has put together a long list of open source gift ideas. Items include everything from a cool open source Home Automation System to their own POV device that’s only $18.00! Is there anything missing from the list, leave a comment and I will pass it along… What is open source? “There are hundreds of gift guides this holiday season filled with junk you can buy