December 13, 2006

Hacked Gadgets New Year Contest

  The new year is just around the corner, how would you like some cool swag from Hacked Gadgets to kick it off? We are going to be giving the lucky winner two great magazine subscriptions for a year, lots of LEDs and a gift certificate to Think Geek! All you have to do to enter is make two postings in the Hacked Gadgets forum and one post on an

Submersible Dolphin Shaped Watercraft

  If you are a compulsive buyer move to the next article immediately. This Dolphin Watercraft made by INNESPACE looks like so much fun, you can actually jump up out of the water in the same fashion that dolphins do. “What exactly is a Dolphin Watercraft? A fully submersible watercraft that is designed to mimic the look and abilities of our beloved aquatic counterpart, the dolphin. The Dolphin, originally patented

PIC Controlled  Mouse Trap

How do you make a better mouse trap? Easy add some electronics to it and shake well… Check out the results. “A bait will be placed inside the trap with a hair trigger originally designed for Humpa the Robot (a story for another day), connected to the inputs of a PIC microcontroller board, which is in turn connected to a stepper motor controller. Both the pic board and motor controller

RoboCommunity Holiday Roboreptile Giveaway

How would you like to get your hands on a Roboreptile for free? If you are nodding your head you might want to visit our friends over at RoboCommunity, they are holding a contest where you could win one. “We know that you’re spending a lot time and effort to get gifts for your friends and family, and probably not much for yourself. Here’s your chance to win a Roboreptile