January 2, 2007

PCB Pictures with Scanner

Instead of taking pictures of circuit boards, why not scan them. The results are very good. “An image scanner can make great pictures of circuit boards. Not only are the pictures clear, they are very high resolution and have nearly perfect scaling. Perfect scaling means that you can actual make measurements from the image. Try that with a digital camera! I picked up the pictured Artec scanner for about $20


  Do you have a bluetooth enabled phone? If you do you may want to watch these videos. Other resources: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 Link 5 “What is Bluejacking? You’ve read about it on the web; heard about it on the radio; read articles in the newspapers… but what exactly is bluejacking? *Warning- by the end of ‘What is bluejacking?’ I can assure you that you’ll