Get in Shape with a Wii

Here is a good selling point of the Wii. Yes it is fun to play, but it looks like the Wii is also healthy

“For most people this is their most anticipated category. To be honest, I was genuinely surprised by my end results, so I’ll just get right to it. I lost 9lbs! Obviously this doesn’t compare to Jared and the Subway diet, but I started out at a weight that I’ve been at for the past 2 years. My weight has really never fluctuated from 180lbs. in those two years, this makes the weight loss that much more of an accomplishment for me, considering I did not change anything I ate or did. Also, this experiment took place during the holiday season, where I ate holiday dinners like I normally would and drank what I would normally would have drank. One last variable I had working against me was the winter season and not getting any outdoor exercise that I would normally would get in the warmer months. (I do have to admit it has been a mild Philly winter so far)”

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