February 8, 2007

Induction HeatingMagical - non-contact heat

Ever wonder how induction heating worked? Me too… Penguin Labs has an informative article about some of their experiments. “Induction cookers, furnaces, stoves and all that jazz are now widely used. You put your metal saucepan on top of an innocent looking glass plate and it magically heats your food with no flame and almost no waste heat. They are able to heat certain metals up to their melting points,

Flashbag - USB Flash Drive with Micro Pump

This is almost as funny as the USB dog! I hope that’s a full flashbag in your pocket. 🙂 “The size of the device changes depending on the amount of data it holds. When the device is about to blow up you will see the familiar error message on your screen: “There is not enough free space”. When switched off the flashbag remains pumped up, so you can estimate with