April 2007

Modified Ink Printer Prints Electronic Circuits

Don’t throw away your old HP ink-jet printer, Seyed Bidoki has developed a way to print electronic circuits with it. “A desktop printer loaded with a silver salt solution and vitamin C has been used to produce electronic circuits. The UK researchers behind the feat say their experimental device could pave the way for safer and cheaper electronics manufacturing. PhD student Seyed Bidoki loaded a standard Hewlett Packard ink-jet printer

Ferrofluid Morpho Towers - Two Standing Spirals

Ferrofluid is cool stuff, Sachiko Kodama and Yasushi Miyajima have built a spiral that demonstrates the beauty of the liquid. Video after the jump. “Morpho Towers–Two Standing Spirals is an installation that consists of two ferrofluid sculptures that moves synthetically to music. The two spiral towers stand on a large plate that hold ferrofluid. When the music starts, the magnetic field around the tower is strengthened. Spikes of ferrofluid are

Indestructible USB Thumb Drive

Next time one of your gadgets breaks don’t toss it in the trash, engineer and construct a housing so that it can’t break again. At least that is what Russell Jones, an engineering student from New Jersey did! “The aim of this project was fairly straight forward. The keychain ring on my Corsair 1GB Flash Voyager USB drive from Newegg broke, which left the poor thing prone to be left

Rolling Road Wind Tunnel

At first glance I thought this rolling road made by Haas Automation and Jacobs Engineering was a picture of a toy car on an inverted belt sander. “The one-millimeter thick continuous steel belt will roll at over 180mph, and features sensors under the bed that can take readings at each wheel. At top speed the wind tunnel fan will circulate 2.85 million cubic feet of air per minute! The facility

Sulfur Hexafluoride Experiment

  Sulfur Hexafluoride is an interesting gas, it basically has the oposite effect of helium. It is heavier than air and when inhaled it makes your voice deeper. Does anyone know where to get this stuff? One more video after the jump. “Because the gas has a high density (over five times denser than air), it can be poured into open containers, like beakers and fishtanks. Moreover, light objects, e.g.

Homemade Rocket Motor Test

  Who said building and testing rocket motors in your basement is dangerous? “This is the first static test with our homemade tar/oxygen hybrid rocket motor. James Turner and myself (Eric Stackpole), and two of our friends, Jeff Bernard and Caleb Lesher did this project last summer because we wanted to learn more about how rocket engines work. We built the rocket in James’ garage in Humboldt County, CA completely

Phil Duclos Hula Hula Engine

  The Hula Hula engine starts quite slow and looks like it would vibrate tremendously however as it picks up speed it looks like everything balances out. First thing to do after running this engine would be to make sure you still have all of your fingers. “This is a steam type engine running on compressed air.It self starts itself.This was named by the hula style action as it runs.