May 9, 2007

 Controlling Electronics with Your Mind

Are Wiimote hacks a joke compared to what is around the corner? NeuroSky is developing some consumer technology that might lead the way to some intense game control in the near future! Video after the jump. “NeuroSky has developed a cost effective bio sensor and signal processing system for the consumer market. Our wearable technology unlocks worlds of new applications such as consumer electronics, health, wellness, education and training. The

Secure USB Memory Stick Hack

Not everything that costs lots of money and comes in a velvet case is good quality. Sprites mods has a good article about hacking a “secure” USB memory stick. It seems that the manufacturer broke all the rules when attempting to implement security. “Seemingly, the checking of the password and the unlocking of the stick are two separate processes, both initiated from the PC. From the point of view of