1. Sweet! This thingy works great… want to build my own now =)

  2. wow!! yeah this is TOTALLY new! yeah I’ve never seen one of THESE before. *rolls eyes*

  3. Hey joebob,

    Actually I haven’t seen one that has enough smarts to move around objects on the line and stop when the object is too big to get around… I must be living under a rock. 🙂

  4. does it work in the dark too?

  5. but alan.

    I could still have made a better one out of LEGO!

  6. LOL, that’s true! Seems like anything can be made quite easily with a handful of LEGO and an NXT module. 🙂

  7. yeah some one should combine it and that airsoft turret (top 5 airsoft hacks) that tagets anthing white automaticly then fires it could go on patrol and shoot any intruders in an area

    oh and how do you do the smileys?

  8. Thanks joebob,
    Now i want to buy a tub of legos and build a robot…

  9. shoot. I would even need NXT.

    I could just use the origanol mindstorms for something like this!

  10. Hey Ryan, the smiles are automatically translated and displayed. For example ; and ) when placed together with no space would look like this 😉

  11. 🙂 ;D 🙁 😛 😀 :$

  12. This is stupid im 11 and I made one of these at a lego summer camp!

  13. addon to above

    And I programmed it.

  14. mine didnt work!

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