What looks to be a cute bear is more that meets the eye. This MIT Leonardo Robot packs some serious computing power.
Watch some videos of it in action, Video 1, Video 2, Video 3.
“Rather than requiring people to learn a new form of communication to interact with robots or to teach them, our research concerns developing robots that are natural for people to teach and collaborate with. In contrast to many statistical learning approaches that require hundreds or thousands of trials or labeled examples to train the system, our goal is for robots to quickly learn new skills and tasks from natural human instruction and few demonstrations. Once a task is learned, the robot should then be competent in its ability to provide assistance; understanding how to perform the task as well as how to perform it in partnership with a human. Leonardo has 61 degrees of freedom — 32 of those are in the face alone. As a result, Leonardo is capable of near-human facial expression.”
MIT Leonardo Robot

I’m thinking I’d classify it as more “scary” than cute. 😉
At first, I thought it was similar looking to the nice gremlins in the 1984 movie Gremlins, but I guess it doesn’t look like those really, now that I’ve looked them up. Perhaps a cross between the “nice” and “mean” ones from the movie though. Still, it’s a pretty strange looking creature to be teaching people IMO.
Just amazing!
I think it’s cool as heck. What little kid wouldn’t
want one of these things… … actualy, I want one!
– Teach it to play counterstrike –
“Leo, can you shoot the noob? Kill the AFKs, Leo”
i saw this a long long time ago. but its still cewl
oh yeah. and these are gonna tack over the world when the discover furbies
Just don’t feed it after midnight (or however it goes)
haha mogwai robot.
This robot is definitely amazing and cute. The only drawback is that I fear the world will be dominated by these little furry robots.
This robot is definitely cute!!! Just look at its starry eyes, oh, I really want one.
Yeah it is cute, but at first it looks like a furry squirrel/chipmunk monster, it takes some getting used to, but then youll see its cute anime eyes are adorable! Leo is a bit slow, so you’d have to have some patience, but other than that he looks cool!! I want one, but it says MIT robots are not up for sale yet, and are currently for testing purposes only. 🙁 awww
this little bastard is more evil than assimo and a roomba combined
It looks like a scary version of the ferby.