Our friends over at DIY Live have come up with a top 10 list of Disposable Camera Mods, my favorite is the mini rail gun mod.
” This is a fun and non-dangeros project for those people who like to throw projectiles magnetically. It simply works by placing a ferromagnetic projectile at one end of a coil and pulsing some power in it. The trick is to switch off power when the projectile is at the middle of the coil, there are some ways to do it but it isn’t important now. The second trick is to use a coil as close as possible to projectile to maximize coupling and the third to avoid saturation, that means keeping the current not to high.”
Disposable Camera Mods

Its a coil gun and it definitely has some shock risks but from what i know not fatal. And technically its not a mod from a disposable camera since it doesnt use the original circuit board and the only part i see from the camera is the flash capacitors from multiple cameras. My favorite is the taser.
i seen this oe before and its prety good
If you think this is a shock risk then you should see myne that had five 2200uF 400V caps on a completly exposed bus bar.(Never got shoked off that and i shure hope i never do)
A rail gun uses a conductive projectile (armature) moving between conductive rails. That’s either a coil gun or a Gauss gun depending on whose definitions you’re using.
That is definitly a coilgun not a railgun – !! WARNING !! Even just one fully charged disposable camera capasitor can KILL you if discharged in the wrong place, and the above picture if charged compleately can very much KILL you.