A cheap camera and a plastic bag of die is all that is needed to make this DIY Multi-touch display.
“Erling Ellingsen made his own homebrew multi-touch interface from a plastic bag, blue dye, and an iSight camera. It’s called the dyeSight.”
Via: Boing Boing
Shame apple didnt think to do it that way as i belive the product would be so cheap. I’ve heard mircosoft use cameras but ive not looked in to it. Any way that is cool.
Genious, great, very nice idea
Could someone email me the instructions for this? txmaccay@yahoo.com
Wow. So what took Microshaft years to create took…probably a month of research and planning? Really, that doesn’t say much for them.
I’m going to make a few of these.
Hi chris noto,
Let me know how they work out.