This interesting mirror by Daniel Rozin is quite neat. It would be fun to build one of these on a smaller scale using some cheap servos. I can’t imagine the cost of this large unit with over 700 motors!
“Rozin’s Weave Mirror assembles 768 motorized and laminated C-shaped prints along the surface of a picture plane that texturally mimics a homespun basket. A seemingly organic smoky portrait comes in focus to the sound of clacking steps made by the sculpture’s moving parts. Informed by traditions of both textile design and new media, the Weave Mirror and paints a picture of viewers using a gradual rotation in greyscale value on each C-ring. A playful juxtaposition between the rustic and photographic, this sculpture is suspended from the ceiling. Its functional circuitry and wiring is visible behind the picture plane, exposing its genius craft.”
Via: TechEBlog, Engadget, We Make Money Not Art
pretty cool. Would be a cool thing to have in your house.
Yeah this is cool, and seems to be fast.
Here is an other one like this: http://www.smoothware.com/danny/woodenmirror.html
Try putting your contacts in with one of these… 😀