Name the Thing Contest – 21

Congratulation to the last winner.

The prize this week is a 2.5″ PATA hard disk enclosure that allows you to take your data on the road. Just slide in a drive (not included) and plug into your USB port.

This contest will run for this weekend only (September 22 – 23, 2007) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments.


Send an email to contest @ with “Name the Thing Contest” as the subject, and the message body consisting of:
* The name of the item in the above picture
* An example of what the item pictured above can be used for

The winner will be chosen at random from all of the correct entries.

Added September 26, 2007

The item to guess was a RF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON, Congratulation to the people who guessed it correctly.

The winner is Nckel O.

Thanks to all who entered.

Below is a picture of the prize.


  1. Shouldn’t you have masked out the partnumber?
    This is just to easy

  2. Yeah, i agree with henkie… ❓ Why is the part# still there? Well, maybe i will win this time… 😀

  3. Way too easy.

  4. Without the partnumber it would have been hard.
    I have never seen a … like the one in this picture

  5. I guess it will come down to the “random” part. Hope I win I have the drive just need the enclosure .

  6. I was thinking that if this part number was removed it would have been very difficult to identify. The last bunch of contests have been very hard also so I wanted to make one that would be easier. 🙂

    Good luck.

  7. well then i hope pseudorandom luck is on my side… 🙂 A 2.5″ enclosure would be nice for laptop data recovery.

  8. The MRF247 is designed for ****

  9. Unamico, that was kind of a dick move.

  10. unamico, that was kind of a @ss#ole thing to do. Like this wasn’t easy enough already.

  11. Hey Unamico,

    Please send in your guess to the email address shown, please don’t post the answer in the comments section.


  12. Maybe it will be okay if every second character would be masked 😀
    Im blind or there is 3 usb plug on the prize?? :O

  13. Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, I know, I know, I know

  14. Funny, I have one of these sitting right in front of me!

  15. Well, I haven’t cracked my screen open, but probably not. I’ve got one sitting on the workbench right now for something I am working on.

  16. feki00, the 3 USB lead is common on USB host powered drives – one goes to the drive, the other two are for power and data (so they take 2 USB ports on your computer)

  17. Oh thanks!! Thats handy, no need to a big psu.

  18. Next time blur the part number out 🙂

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