CNC Build Videos

Yes Yes, I know, there are many good sites out there that tell you how to build your own CNC router.

Here is a site that walks you through the whole process of building a CNC router, from the ground up, with videos.

The web site covers 36 steps to build a CNC router, 35 of the steps are documented by video.

The whole router is built with basic hand tools right in the author’s bedroom.

A basic router can be built for around $350.00

A bill of materials is provided and includes a standard bill of materials and an upgraded bill of materials if you want to buy new or upgraded components.

Get Ready to CNC!


  1. This guy’s build log is really nice. I don’t think I have seen a better CNC build log.

  2. Very interesting!

  3. Damn my work for blocking Metacafe! DAMN THEM!!!

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